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Q.1 to Q.5 Carry One Mark Each


Rafi told Mary “I am thinking of watching a film this weekend”. The following reports the above statement in indirect speech.
Rafi told Mary that he ________ of watching a film this weekend.


Permit: ______ :: Enforce : Relax. (By word meaning)


Given a fair six - faced dice where the faces are labelled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. What is the probability of getting a “1” on the first roll of dice and the “4” on the second roll?


A recent survey shows that 65% of tobacco users were advised to stop consuming tobacco. The survey also shows that 3 out of 10 tobacco users attempted to stop using tobacco. Based only on the interpretation of the above passage, which one of the following options can be logically inferred with certainty?


How many triangles are present in the given figure?

Q.6 to Q.10 Carry Two Mark Each


Students of all the departments of a college who have successfully completed the registration process are eligible to vote in the upcoming college elections. However, by the time the due date of registration was over, it was found that surprisingly none of the students from the Department of Human Sciences had completed the registration process.

Based only on the information provided above, which one of the following sets of statement(s) can be logically inferred with certainty?

(i) All those students who would not be eligible to vote in college elections would certainly belong to the Department of Human Sciences.

(ii) None of the students from departments other than Human Sciences failed to complete the registration process within the due time

(iii) All the eligible voters would certainly be students who are not from the Department of Human Sciences.


Which one of the following options represents the given graph?


Which one of the options does NOT describe the passage below or follow from it? We tend to think of cancer as a ‘modern’ illness because its metaphors are so modern. It is a disease of overproduction, of sudden growth, a growth that is unstoppable, tipped into the abyss of no control. Modern cell biology encourages us to imagine the cell as a molecular machine. Cancer is that machine unable to quench its initial command (to grow) and thus transform into an indestructible, self-propelled automaton.
[Adapted from The Emperor of All Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee]


The digit in the unit’s place of product 3999x71000is______.


A square with sides of length 6 cm is given. The boundary of the shaded region is defined by two semicircles whose diameters are the sides of the square, as shown.
The area of the shaded region is_______ cm2 .


Q.11 to Q.35 Carry One Mark Each


For a given vector [1,2,3]T,the vector normal to the plane defined by WTx = 1 is


For the block diagram shown in the figure, the transfer function Y(s)R(s) is


In the Nyquist plot of the open-loop transfer function G(s)H(s)=3s+5s-1 corresponding to the feedback loop shown in the figure, the infinite semicircular arc of the Nyquist contour in s-plane is mapped into a point at


Consider a unity gain negative feedback system consisting of the plant G(s) (given below) and a proportional integral controller. Let the proportional gain and integral gain be 3 and 1, respectively. For a unit step reference input, the final values of the controller output and the plant output, respectively, are G(s)=1s-1


The following columns present various modes of induction machine operation and the ranges of slip :
    A             B
Mode of operation         Range of slip
(a) Running in generator mode   (p) From 0.0 to 1.0
(b) Running in motor mode   (q) From 1.0 to 2.0
(c) Plugging in motor mode   (r) From -1.0 to 0.0

The correct matching between the elements in column A with those of column B is


A 10 pole, 50 Hz, 240 V, single phase induction motor runs at 540 RPM while driving rated load. The frequency of induced rotor currents due to backward field is


A continuous time system that is initially at rest is described by dy(t)dt+3y(t)=2x(t), where x(t) is the input voltage and y(t) is the output voltage. The impulse response of the system is


The Fourier transform X (ω) of the signal x(t) is given by
X(ω) = {1, for |ω| < ω₀
     {0, for |ω| > ω₀
Which one of the following statements is true?


The Z-transform of a discrete signal x[n] isx[z] = 4z/[z-1/5][z-2/3][z-3] with ROC=R
Which one of the following statements is true?


20. For the three-bus power system shown in the figure, the trip signals to the circuit breakers B1 to B9 are provided by overcurrent relays R1 to R9 , respectively, some of which have directional properties also. The necessary condition for the system to be protected for short circuit fault at any part of the system between bus 1 and the R-L loads with isolation of minimum portion of the network using minimum number of directional relays is


The expressions of fuel cost of two thermal generating units as a function of the respective power generation PG1 and P G2 are given as
  F1(PG1)=0.1aP2G1+40PG1+120 Rs/hr  0MW ≤ PG1 ≤ 350 MW
  F2(PG2)=0.2aP2G2+30PG1+100 Rs/hr  0MW ≤ PG2 ≤ 300 MW
Where a is a constant. For a given value of a, optimal dispatch requires the total load of 290 MW to be shared as PG1=175 MW andPG2=115MW. With the load remaining unchanged,the value of a is increased by 10% and optimal dispatch is carried out. The changes in PG1 and total cost of generation,F(=F1+F2) in Rs/hr will be as follows


The four stator conductors ( A, A',B and B') of a rotating machine are carrying DC currents of the same value, the directions of which are shown in the figure
(i). The rotor coils a-a' and b-b' are formed by connecting the back ends of conductors ‘a’ and ‘ a ' ’ and ‘b’ and ‘b ' ’, respectively, as shown in figure
(ii). The emf induced in coil a-a' and coil b-b' are denoted by Ea-a' and Eb-b' , respectively. If the rotor is rotated at uniform angular speed ω rad/s in the clockwise direction then which of the following correctly describes the Ea-a' and Eb-b' ?


The chopper circuit shown in figure (i) feeds power to a 5 A DC constant current source. The switching frequency of the chopper is 100 kHz. All the components can be assumed to be ideal. The gate signals of switches S1 and S2 are shown in the figure (ii). Average voltage across the 5 A current source is


In the figure the vectors u and v are related as : Au = v by a transformation matrix A. The correct choice of A is


One million random numbers are generated from a statistically stationary process with a Gaussian distribution with mean zero and standard deviation σ₀
The σ₀ is estimated by randomly drawing out 10,000 numbers of samples (xn ) . The estimates σ^1, σ^2, are computed in the following two ways.
σ^21=110000Σ10000n=1 X2n, σ^22=19999Σ10000n=1 X2n
Which of the following statements is true?


A semiconductor switch needs to block voltage V of only one polarity (V > 0) during OFF state as shown in figure (i) and carry current in both directions during ON state as shown in figure (ii). Which of the following switch combination(s) will realize the same?


Which of the following statement(s) is/are True?


The bus admittance (Ybus) matrix of a 3-bus power system is given below
[ -j15 j10 j5 j10 -j13.5 j4 j5 j4 -j8 ]
Considering that there is no shunt inductor connected to any of the buses, which of the following cannot be true?


The value of parameters of the circuit shown in the figure are :
R1=2Ω, R2=2Ω, R3=3Ω, L=10mH,C=100µF.
For time t < 0, the circuit is at steady state with the switch ‘K’ in closed condition. If the switch is opened at t = 0, the value of the voltage across the inductor (VL) at t=0+ in volts is__________________(Round off to 1 decimal place.)


A separately excited DC motor rated 400V, 15A, 1500 rpm drives a constant torque load at rated speed operating from 400 V DC supply drawing rated current. The armature resistance is 1.2Ω . If the supply voltage drops by 10% with field current unaltered, then resultant speed of motor in RPM is______. (round off to the nearest integer)


For the signals x(t) and y(t) shown in the figure, z(t)=x(t)*y(t) is maximum at t=T1 . Then T1 in seconds is _______. (round off to the nearest integer).


For the circuit shown in the figure, V1 =8V, DC. The voltage Vab in Volts is _____ (Round off to 1 decimal place).


A 50 Hz, 275 kV line of length 400 km has the following parameters : Resistance R = 0.035 Ω/ km; Inductance L =1 mH/km; Capacitance C = 0.01 µF/km . The line is represented by the nominal-π model. With the magnitudes of sending end and the receiving end voltages of the line (denoted by Vs and VR , respectively) maintained at 275 kV, the phase angle difference ( θ) between Vs and VR required for maximum possible active power to be delivered to the receiving end, in degree is ____ (round off to 2 decimal places).


In the following differential equation, the numerically obtained value of y(t), at t = 1, is ______ (Round off to 2 decimal places). dydt= e -αt 2 + αt ,α=0.01 and y(0)=0


Three points in the x-y planes are (-1, 0.8), (0, 2.2) and (1, 2.8). The value of the slope of the best fit straight line in the least square sense is ________. (round off to two decimal places).

Q.35 to Q.65 Carry Two Mark Each


Magnitude and phase plots of an LTI system are shown in the figure. The transfer function of the system is


Consider the Op-Amp based circuit shown in the figure. Ignore the conduction drops of diodes D1 and D2 . All the components are ideal and the breakdown voltage of the Zener is 5 V. Which of the following statements is true?


Consider a lead compensator of the form K(s)= 1+ s α α 1+ s αβ


A 3 - phase, star connected, balanced load is supplied from a 3 phase, 400 V (rms), balanced voltage source with phase sequence R-Y-B, as shown in the figure. If the wattmeter reading is – 400 W and the line current is IR =2A (rms) , then the power factor of the load per phase is


An 8-bit ADC converts analog voltage in the range of 0 to +5 V to the corresponding digital code as per the conversion characteristics shown in figure. For Vin 1.9922 volt, which of the following digital output, given in hex, is true?


The three-bus power system shown in the figure has one alternator connected to bus 2 which supplies 200 MW and 40 MVAr power. Bus 3 is infinite bus having a voltage of magnitude |V3| = 1.0 p.u. and angle of -150 . A variable current source, |I|∠φ is connected at bus 1 and controlled such that the magnitude of the bus 1 voltage is maintained at 1.05 p.u. and the phase angle of the source current, φ=θ1±π2 , where θ1 is the phase angle of the bus 1 voltage. The three buses can be categorized for load flow analysis as


Consider the following equation in a 2-D real-space.
|X2|2+|x2|P=1 for p>0
Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?


In the figure, the electric field E and magnetic field B point to x and z directions, respectively, and have constant magnitude. A positive charge ‘q’ is released from rest at the origin. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true


All the elements in the circuit shown in the following figure are ideal. Which of the following statements is/are true?


The expected number of trials for first occurrence of a “head” in a biased coin is known to be 4. The probability of first occurrence of a “head” in the second trial is _____________ (Round off to 3 decimal places).


Consider the state-space description of an LTI system with matrices
A= [ 0 1 -1 -2 ]


A 3-phase synchronous motor with synchronous impedance of 0.1+j0.3 per unit per phase has a static stability limit of 2.5 per unit. The corresponding excitation voltage in per unit is _______ (round off to 2 decimal places).


A 3-phase, 415 V, 50 Hz, 6 pole, 960 RPM, 4 HP squirrel cage induction motor drives a constant torque load at rated speed operating from rated supply and delivering rated output. If the supply voltage and frequency are reduced by 20%, the resultant speed of the motor in RPM (neglecting the stator leakage impedance and rotational losses) is _____. (round off to the nearest integer).


The period of the discrete time signal x[n] described by the equation below is N = _______. (Round off to the nearest integer).


The discrete time Fourier transform of a signal x[n] is x(Ω)=(1+cosΩ)e-jΩ Consider that xn is a periodic signal of period N = 5 such that,
x[n] = { x[n], for n = 0, 1, 2
   0, for n = 3, 4 }
Note that xp[n]=ΣN-1k=0 akej2nknNThe magnitude of the Fourier series coefficient 3 a is _______. (Round off to 3 decimal places).


TFor the circuit shown, if i = sin1000t , the instantaneous value of the Thevenin’s equivalent voltage (in Volts) across the terminal a-b at time t = 5 ms is ______ (Round off to 2 decimal places).


The admittance parameters of the passive resistive two-port network shown in the figure are
y11=5S, y22 =1S, y12=-2.5S
The power delivered to the load resistor RL in Watt is __________ (Round off to 2 decimal places)


When the winding c-d of the single-phase, 50 Hz, two winding transformer is supplied from an AC current source of frequency 50 Hz, the rated voltage of 200 V (rms), 50 Hz is obtained at the open-circuited terminals a-b. The cross sectional area of the core is 5000 mm2 and the average core length traversed by the mutual flux is 500 mm. The maximum allowable flux density in the core is BMax=1Wb/m2 and the relative permeability of the core material is 5000. The leakage impedance of the winding a-b and winding c-d at 50 Hz are (5+j100πx0.16)Ω and (11.25+j100πx0.36)Ω , respectively. Considering the magnetizing characteristics to be linear and neglecting core loss, the self-inductance of the winding a-b in millihenry is ______ (Round off to 1 decimal place).


The circuit shown in the figure is initially in the steady state with the switch K in open condition and K̄ in closed condition. The switch K is closed and K̄ is opened simultaneously at the instant t = t1, where t1 > 0. The minimum value of t1 in milliseconds, such that there is no transient in the voltage across the 100 µF capacitor, is ____________ (Round off to 2 decimal places).


The circuit shown in the figure has reached steady state with thyristor ‘T’ in OFF condition. Assume that the latching and holding currents of the thyristor are zero. The thyristor is turned ON at t = 0 sec. The duration in µsec for which the thyristor would conduct, before it turns off, is ______ (round off to 2 decimal places).


Neglecting the delays due to the logic gates in the circuit shown in figure, the decimal equivalent of the binary sequence [ABCD] of initial logic states, which will not change with clock, is _______.


In a given 8-bit general purpose micro-controller there are following flags. C-Carry, A-Auxiliary Carry, O-Overflow flag, P-Parity (0 for even, 1 for odd) R0 and R1 are the two general purpose registers of the micro-controller. After execution of the following instructions, the decimal equivalent of the binary sequence of the flag pattern [CAOP] will be ______.
MOV R0, +0x60
MOV R1, +0x46


The single phase rectifier consisting of three thyristors T1,T2,T3 and a diode D1 feed power to a 10 A constant current load. T1 and T3 are fired at angle α = 600 and T2 is fired at α = 2400 . The reference for α is positive zero crossing of Vin . The average voltage V0 across the load in volts is _______ . (round off to 2 decimal places).


The Zener diode in circuit has a breakdown voltage of 5 V. The current gain β of the transistor in the active region is 99. Ignore base-emitter voltage drop . VBE The current through the 20 Ω resistance in milliamperes is ______. (rounded off to 2 decimal places).


The two-bus power system shown in figure (i) has one alternator supplying a synchronous motor load through a Y-Δ transformer. The positive, negative and zero-sequence diagrams of the system are shown in figures (ii), (iii) and (iv), respectively. All reactances in the sequence diagrams are in p.u. For a bolted line-to-line fault (fault impedance = zero) between phases ‘b’ and ‘c’ at bus 1, neglecting all pre-fault currents, the magnitude of the fault current (from phase ‘b’ to ‘c’) in p.u. is ______ (Round off to 2 decimal places).


An infinite surface of linear current density K=5âx A/m exists on the x-y plane, as shown in the figure. The magnitude of the magnetic field intensity (H) at a point (1, 1, 1) due to the surface current in A/m is _______ (Round off to 2 decimal places).


The closed curve shown in the figure is described by r=1+cosθ, where r= √(x² + y²) ; x=rcosθ ,y=rsinθ . The magnitude of the line integral of the vector field Fˆ = -yiˆ +xjˆ around the closed curve is _________. (round off to two decimal places)


A signal x(t)=2cos(180π)cos(60π) is sampled at 200 Hz and then passed through an ideal low pass filter having cut off frequency of 100 Hz. The maximum frequency present in the filtered signal in Hz is _______ (round off to the nearest integer).


A balanced delta connected load consisting of the series connection of one resistor (R=15Ω) and a capacitor (C=212.21µF) in each phase is connected to 3-phase, 50 Hz, 415 V supply terminals through a line having an inductance of L=31.83mH per phase, as shown in figure. Considering the change in the supply terminal voltage with loading to be negligible, the magnitude of the voltage across the terminals VAB in volts is________ (rounded off to nearest integer).


A quadratic function of two variables is given as f(x1,X2)=x12+2x22+3x1+3x2+x1x2+1 The magnitude of maximum rate of change of the function at the point (1,1) is ______. (Rounded off to the nearest integer)