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1. What are the two particles are present in nucleus

2. Each electron have a charge of _______________ coloumbs

3. What is mass of proton

4. What is mass of Electron

5. The mass of a proton is how many times greater than the mass of an electron?

6. How many valence electrons are present at the outermost shell in conductor?

7. How many valence electrons are present at the outermost shell in semi-condutor?

8. How much energy gap is present in between the valence band and condution band in sem-condutor?

9. How much energy gap is present in between the valence band and condution band in insulator?

10. Formula for electric potential?

11.Calculate the value of current through a resistance of 5 ohms, if it is connected across a battery of 2 volts.

12.Formula for Resistance

Select two correct answers from below

13.Determine the resistance of 1m length of a wire having a cross sectional area of 1m2.If the wire is made of copper having a resistivity of 100 ohm-m

14.Potential has the unit of

15.The electron in the last orbit of an atom are called

16.The electric current is due to the flow of

17.Electric current is a

18.When temperature rises, a metallic conductor's specific resistance _______________.

19.A straight conductor's resistance is unaffected by

20.Insulators' temperature coefficient of resistance is ______________.

21.Conductivity is the reciprocal of

22.No current flows between two charged bodies if they have same

23.The wire's material's specific resistance is determined by

24.A conductor's cross-section allows a billion electrons to flow across it in ten moments. Now, the current is

25.Eureka's temperature is _____. resistance coefficient

26.Ampere second is the unit of

27.Ampere-hour is the unit of

28.The SI unit of conductivity

29.The resistance of a human body is about

30.For fluid liquids, Ohm's law is

31.An atom's diameter is approximately

32.An electric bulb's filament is composed of

33.Which of the following is ideal for use in the construction of connecting wires?

34.One illustration of non-ohmic resistance is

35.Which of the following compounds sees a decrease in resistance as the temperature rises?

36.What will the resistance value be in relation to the color code? yellow, orange, blue, and silver

37.Temperature co-efficient of resistance, or α, is dependent on

38.Which of the following is the most effective electrical conductor?y

39.The temperature coefficient of resistance of a semiconductor is _________.

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